Boarding Wellbeing & Safety

Boarding Wellbeing & Safety

The boarders’ wellbeing and safety is of great importance to everyone at St. Francis’.

The Boarding House team is led by the Head of Boarding and everyone in the team has their own role to ensure the wellbeing of the boarders.

The Academic Tutors are available to assist the pupils with their academic work and offer support and guidance on all matters concerning their wellbeing and progress.

The Boarding Administrator also keeps the Boarding Office fully operating to ensure that all the systems work smoothly.

The Housekeeper and Assistant Housekeepers are responsible for maintaining the Boarding House and ensuring that the students have everything they need on a daily basis.

They are assisted in this by the Cleaning, Laundry and Maintenance Teams.

The Nurse visits the Boarding House three evenings a week. All Boarding Staff are First Aid Trained and can administer medicines.

The College has an independent listener and a counsellor if the pupils wish to speak about concerns or worries. There are also pastoral support and a counsellor within the school.

It is very important to use that no student feels excluded or worried that they are being talked about without their knowledge. It is for this reason that the only language spoken in the Boarding House is English.

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