Individual Needs

Mrs Fryatt, Head of Individual Needs

Armande has many years’ experience as a SENCo in schools ranging from Nursery to Sixth Form. As well as her role at St. Francis’, she works as a consultant SENCo to schools on all aspects of Access Arrangements. Having held an APC for the last ten years, she also runs training courses for teachers and parents for developing skills and understanding in specific learning difficulties. She is a qualified counsellor for children and adolescents and holds the National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership.

Our Individual Needs Department

The Individual Needs Department enjoys an enviable reputation for providing an exceptional level of support and care for those of our students identified with specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia and dyscalculia), ASD and ADHD.

For those students who require support, a comprehensive package is provided such as one-to-one or small group support with a specialist teacher. Lessons are tailored exactly to students’ individual needs and are designed to raise knowledge, skills, and self-esteem. Support is available in Maths, English, revision & study skills, and organisational skills. The Individual Needs Department ensures that students are given the skills to access the curriculum in an inclusive way.

Teachers are fully appraised of each student’s needs and are provided with strategies to use in the classroom to enable each student to fulfil their potential. Each student’s progress is tracked carefully using targets which are monitored and evaluated every term, and parents are invited to termly review meetings to discuss progress.
The following values underpin all we do:

  • The needs of the students come first.
  • Everyone in our College community is special and important.
  • Each of us work to improve on our previous best.
  • Learning is active, meaningful, and creative.
  • We have high expectations of ourselves and each other.
  • We work well in a stimulating learning environment.

We believe that every student will:

  • Be successful and confident.
  • Be self-aware and co-operative.
  • Have a continuing love of learning.
  • Be independent and work well together.
  • Be a solution finder.
  • Be creative.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s individual needs, please contact Mrs. Fryatt, Head of Individual Needs:


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