
Mrs Julia Glanville, Head of Biology

With a degree in Biology and PGCE to teach Biology and Maths, Mrs Julia Glanville has over 25 years’ experience in state, independent, secondary, and primary schools as well as college lecturing.  Her love of natural history comes from a childhood spent in different African countries.  Her interests cross the sciences, particularly in neuroscience, genetics, biotechnology and engineering.  She is involved in supporting Medical, Veterinary Science and Engineering university candidates.  Encouraging creativity in science is influenced by hobbies including pottery, drawing and painting.   


Subject Overview

Our aims are to develop knowledge and understanding of the natural world, from the molecules and cells that make up our bodies, up to the ecosystems that make up the world. We encourage students to think for themselves and develop their own informed opinions about controversial biological issues.
We encourage students to participate in a great number of national competitions including the Biology Challenge and the Biology Olympiad and we have had outstanding successes in these competitions. We run numerous competitions and challenges to give the students opportunities to stretch and challenge themselves well beyond the confines of examination specifications.
The department is actively involved in the maintenance of the College grounds to provide opportunities for ecological studies. We keep numerous animal and plant species in the laboratories and students in Vet Club are encouraged to play a part in their care and maintenance. By studying and handling animals in captivity and attending to their needs they gain knowledge about their physiology. They are encouraged to question the ethics of keeping animals in captivity and to learn how they can enhance the animals’ lives by providing appropriate behavioural stimulation.
Students wishing to apply to competitive universities and for medical degrees are supported through extra-curricular activities, for example the Medical Society.

Programme of Study

Key Stage 3:
Year 7

  • Cells – the Building Blocks of Life
  • Eating, Drinking and Breathing
  • CREST Bronze Award

Year 8

  • Getting the Energy your Body Needs
  • Looking at Plants and Ecosystems

Year 9

  • Variation for Survival
  • Our Health and the Effects of Drugs
  • Amgen Biotechnology Experience
  • Microbiology in Schools and Colleges (MiSAC) poster competition
  • Royal Society of Biology BioArt competition

Key Stage 4:

GCSE Biology or Combined Science/Biology
Examination Board: AQA

Biology stimulates students’ curiosity about themselves and the world around them.
It links practical experience with ideas. A scientifically literate citizen should be equipped to question and engage in debate on the evidence used in decision-making. Students understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change, impacting on industry, business and medicine which improves the quality of life. Students recognise the cultural significance of Biology. They learn to question and discuss biologically-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.

The aims of this qualification are to enable students to develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding,
  • Skills for working scientifically, including investigating, observing, experimenting or testing out ideas and thinking about them.
  • Talking, reading, writing about and doing Biology, and representing Biology in its many forms both mathematically and visually through models.

Course Content

1. Paper 1 (50%)
  • Cell structure and transport
  • Cell division
  • Organisation and the digestive system
  • Organising animals and plants
  • Communicable diseases
  • Preventing and treating disease
  • Non-communicable diseases
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
2. Paper 2 (50%)
  • The human nervous system
  • Hormonal coordination
  • Homeostasis in action
  • Reproduction
  • Variation and evolution
  • Genetics and evolution
  • Adaptations, interdependence and competition
  • Organising an ecosystem
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem

A Level Biology
Examination Board: OCR

Biology is about us: our molecules, cells, tissues, organs, our health and our place in the environment.

The aims of this qualification are to enable students to:

  • Develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other.
  • Develop and demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods.
  • Develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills.
  • Develop interest in and enthusiasm for the subject, including developing an interest in further study and careers associated with the subject.
  • Understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society.

Course Content

1. Foundations in biology
  • Cell structure
  • Biological molecules
  • Nucleotides and nucleic acids
  • Enzymes
  • Biological membranes
  • Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation
2. Exchange and transport
  • Exchange surfaces
  • Transport in animals
  • Transport in plants
3. Biodiversity, evolution and disease
  • Communicable diseases, disease prevention and the immune system
  • Biodiversity
  • Classification and evolution
4. Communication, homeostasis and energy
  • Communication and homeostasis
  • Excretion as an example of homeostatic control
  • Neuronal communication
  • Hormonal communication
  • Plant and animal responses
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
5. Genetics, evolution and ecosystems
  • Cellular control
  • Patterns of inheritance
  • Manipulating genomes
  • Cloning and biotechnology
  • Ecosystems
  • Populations and sustainability

Antibiotics Unearthed research, university experience and poster presentation at the University of Hertfordshire’s Life and Medical Sciences conference
Amgen Biotechnology Experience

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